Jamie Perry is the founder and Director of Lasting Change at The Hope Revolution Foundation. How do we instil more hope in society and how can we work together to make that sense of hope commonplace and an everyday thing?
You can follow Rural Business Focus and contact Ben on Twitter @ruralbf_pod or on Instagram @ruralbusinessfocus
Have you thought about the benefits of podcasting for your business? If you want to find out more or work with Ben to make your own podcast or to organise some podcast training for your business visit benjamineagle.co.uk
or search The Hope Revolution Foundation on LinkedIn
This week’s shout out:
Corner Cottage Bakery in Kineton.
The White Swan Pub in Kineton.
This week’s challenge
Write down 3 things that you will do to instil positive change in your own organisation in the next month and how you will do those?
Timestamps for today’s episode
1:04 Ben introduces the show.
2:02 Jamie comes in.
2:40 How did the idea for the Hope Revolution Foundation begin?
5:47 Hope and soap
7:32 Jamie’s definition of hope
9:16 Hope can do so much. It’s a difficult time.
10:20 Jamie’s experience with the Birmingham tornado.
12:10 What will Jamie do tangibly with the Hope Revolution Foundation.
15:50 Men and suicide and projects to aid prevention.
18:20 A project to help those with dementia.
21:24 How can rural businesses get involved?
23:47 Hope and mindset.
27:00 The power of small actions.
29:05 What drives Jamie?
31:30 What’s next?
33:04 What does Jamie do to keep focussed on his goals?
36:04 Shout out for rural businesses (see above)
37:50 LinkedIn the best way to get in touch.
39:00 Ben rounds up the episode.