Rural Business Focus Podcast

How to start your rural business – with Aly Robins

Ben is joined today by Aly Robins who is a business coach and marketing consultant from Montana in the US. Aly also runs a website design agency called Snowy Mountain Marketing. More than anything Aly is completely passionate about agriculture and rural business and has a drive to help rural businesses flourish and people to be their very best. You can also find her over on the Agriculture and Rural Business Podcast .Today, we’ll be talking about getting an idea off the ground but also hear more about Aly’s business journey and some of her events and projects including Rural Reimagined. 

You can follow Rural Business Focus and contact Ben on Twitter @ruralbf_pod or on Instagram @ruralbusinessfocus

Have you thought about the benefits of podcasting for your business? If you  want to find out more or work with Ben to make your own podcast or to organise some podcast training for your business visit 

This week’s call to action

How can you ‘think bigger’ in your business? 


Timestamps for today’s episode

1:04 Ben introduces the show.

2:54 Aly comes in. 

3:22 Aly talks about her background.

4:42 Aly’s first business.

6:30 Hiring a business coach.

7:07 Business is about problem solving.

11:10 Change your beliefs and change your life; change your mindset and you will change your life. 

12:37 Rural stereotypes and how rural people see themselves.

15:00 Society has skewed the way we think and our beliefs and created a system that doesn’t allow you to build wealth.

17:00 People who have an idea for a business but don’t act on it.

19:25 Take a small action each day – what is the first step to take to make an idea reality? 

20:10 Mindset

24:00 When something is questioned that is huge.

27:00 Is there anything unique about rural?

29:00 What main piece of advice would Aly give to someone trying to get their idea off the ground?

29:34 What is your business offer and how can you make your first sale?

30:50 Rural Reimagined

33:14 Aly’s podcast

37:00 Where is Aly heading?

38:49 What does Aly do to keep focussed on her goals?

43:00 Ben wraps up the episode. 

43:40 Today’s action: think big.

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